Normally I don't trim many of my trees this time of the year since fall is right around the corner but bald cypress are very aggressive growers and being atypically dominant, you have to keep the top in check so that it doesn't get too thick. Here is our victim, err, I mean tree:
If you look closely at the above picture on the right you will see two very large shoots coming out of the apex. These have to be removed because the tree will throw all of its energy into growing these two a big as it can. For an apex, this is not what we want, we want a finer growth. So, time to get out the cutters.
Here is the first one:
Here is the first one:
Make sure to make your cuts as smooth as possible. Bald Cypress heal wounds easily, but the thick callous will create an unsightly buldge if it does not have a smooth surface to roll over. Also, seal the wound with cut paste. I usually don't worry too much about it in the Spring, but in the heat of Summer I feel that it is important because the edges will dessicate very quickly. For cut paste, I use latex caulk thinned with water, you can read more about it here. On to the next one:
Well, that is all for this one today. The apex needs further thinning, most of the branches will be cut back to create more ramification and wired into place. I'll do that in late winter when the leaves are gone for a better look at what is going on. So check back for more updates. Here's the apex after today's work: