Have you ever held a mighty oak in the palm of your hand? Me either, but I think about it whenever I am working on this tree. I am trying to style it like a Southern live oak, I think it kinda looks like one, or maybe, it looks more like a Dr. Suess tree, you know, the ones from his books.
It was time for a repot so I thought I would show the process it a post. Here is what I started with:
It was time for a repot so I thought I would show the process it a post. Here is what I started with:
Plenty of roots. There are usually more, but I repotted a little sooner that I usually do, trying to get things on a schedule instead of doing it when it is a "do or die" situation. Kingsville Boxwood grow real slow up top, but it makes it up on the bottom, too bad it is hidden from view below the soil.
So, I cleaned up the trunk, it had a lot of algae and black mildew on it. Then trimmed the roots and a little of the canopy. Here it is, an oak in the palm of my hand, well sorta:
I put it back in the same pot, I really like it. Favorite Minion bought this for me, it is made by a local potter out of local clay, sourced right here in Mobile County.